Git Integration for Jira + GitKraken Client

Seamlessly Switch Between Jira & Your Repos Without Losing Context

Millions of developers and teams use GitKraken Client’s GUI + CLI to make Git easier, safer, and more powerful. Features like the Commit Graph help developers avoid mistakes by visualizing the impact of their Git operations before making them. And collaboration features keep teams in sync by providing contextual information about who’s working on what in your repos.

Combined with Git Integration for Jira, developers can update Jira issues from the GitKraken Client, create branches and PRs from Jira, and use deeplinks to flow seamlessly, in-context, between your repos and Jira. This keeps teams in the tools they love, streamlines developer workflows, and makes it easier to give product and project managers the data they need.

Get a Git GUI and CLI

GitKraken Client is designed to improve individual developer experience and enable teams to collaborate more effectively. It includes an intuitive GUI, powerful CLI, and all the features you’d expect from the world’s most popular Git client. See why teams standardize on GitKraken Client.

Update Jira from Git

Save time and reduce errors by updating your issues from the GitKraken Client. You can create new Jira issues, update existing, and create branches tied to an issue without ever having to bring up Jira.

View Commits in Jira

When you need to get back into Jira, deeplinks in the GitKraken Client will drop you directly into the Jira issue view and bring up the commit you linked from. Move quickly from reviewing diffs to cross checking issues.

From Jira to Your Repos

If you’re working in Jira, commits and branches associated with an issue will take you to the related work in GitKraken Client. You can also create a branch or pull request directly from the issue. 

Use GitKraken Client for Free

GitKraken Client is always free to use with local and public cloud-hosted repos. It includes a 7-day trial to work with private repos and to access premium features.

More Legendary Features

Visual Commit Graph
Enhanced Git Terminal
In-App Merge Tool
1-Click Undo & Redo
Drag & Drop
Command Palette
Built-In Code Editor
Diff Split View
File History & Blame
Syntax Highlighting
Search Within Files
File Minimap
Gitflow Support
Git Hooks Support
Keyboard Shortcuts
Light & Dark Themes
Interactive Rebase
Commit Signing
Merge Conflict Detection
Pull Request Management
Team Visibility